Build a Podcast Landing Page That Does It All

Podcast landing page, website, site

Written by Aimene

Aimene is a podcast producer helping businesses reach their customer’s ears.


August 23, 2021

Have you ever been asked by your audience for details about your podcast and couldn’t direct them to one place to find everything? or maybe they don’t have the same preferences when it comes to listening platforms? that’s where a podcast landing page comes in handy.

It’s a dilemma that you have so many platforms where you can listen to podcasts, and the audiences are spread across all of them, why isn’t there a platform that offers all the podcasting needs and gathers all the audiences in one place, something like “the Youtube of audio”.

Until this dream comes true, We found the perfect solution for you, a landing page for your podcast is the best way for you to gather your listeners in one place and provide them with so much more than just a podcast.


Types of landing pages

You have 2 options when creating a landing page for your podcast:

The Hosting Service landing page:

most podcast hosting platforms will offer you a basic landing page that have some basic information about your show with episodes listed and links to the different listening apps, they are good enough, can be customised and get the job done.

Our top recommendation for that is Buzzsprout, by comparing a variety of hosting services for the best option Buzzsprout stood up providing a landing page that is easily customisable where you are going to see the cover art on the top of the page followed by a description and links for social media and all the directories your podcast is featured in.

CMS landing pages:

Those offer another level of customization, and are hosted separately from your podcast, if you have some technical knowledge, you can create a landing page that will serve your needs offering a unique feel and expirience to your podcast.

WordPress has a lot of options when it comes to templates for podcast landing pages, and WordPress is widely used by professionals so you won’t have any problems building your landing page there.


What does a landing page offer:

A podcasting landing page is a web resource that serves as a hub for your show. It is a place where potential listeners can have a look at what you have to offer and an amazing platform to promote your soon-to-launch podcast.

  • Email list: Landing pages allow you to gather the email addresses of your loyal listeners that want more from you. browsing internet users that might be interested in your podcast.
  • Showcase your work: They give you room to impress your guest with all the exciting content that your show promises.
  • Promote your product: Present your merch and other related products you’d like to advertise to your listeners.
  • Get Support: A place to receive donations from your fans.
  • Feature a preview of the show: Like movies, nothing promotes a show better than a trailer.
  • Introduce yourself: It gives you the space to help your listeners know more about you and have a better relationship.


Components of a Proper Podcast Landing Page

Puzzle, things you should include

A decent landing page should at least have the following components:

  • Podcast cover art.
  • Podcast Description.
  • Links to the directories.
  • A list of recent episodes ready to download.
  • Your social media accounts, where your listeners can reach you.
  • An exhibit of your merch.

Now let’s go deep and go through each of these elements, leaving no stone unturned.

Podcat Cover Art

Many podcast cover art design ideas

For visually orientated people, a cover art might do more than a podcast description in terms of attracting a browser’s attention. Make a compelling design that expresses the nature of your podcast, if you are lacking ideas on how to create an attractive cover art design check this article to learn how to craft one that represents your show here.


Podcast Description:

This is the gateway content to your podcast. It provides a brief summary of everything that they should expect from your podcast: the subject’s discussed, expected guest appearances, and the style of the show…

After being drawn in with your cover art, The next thing that a new visitor is going to look at is your Description, and the goal here is to show the value that they’re going to get from your show.

Here is what you should include in a podcast description:

  • Who are you?
  • Why should I listen to you?
  • What Do You Offer?
  • Who Is your Podcast For?
  • What is the structure of your show?
  • What Topics Will You Discuss?
  • What is your podcast release schedule?


Don’t let your description stretch for too long 600 characters is the perfect length so use few words to pitch your show and get them  to do the next step which is to play one of your episodes.

For more tips on composing a podcast description, read our prior article that properly deconstructs podcast descriptions here. 


Direct Links for Streaming Your Episodes

Make it easy for your new listener to access your podcast. After urging the reader to subscribe and stream your show with the podcast description, provide a link that takes them directly to your episodes.

List your show on multiple streaming services to ensure that your new listeners can enjoy your show on whatever platform they prefer.


Social Media Accounts:

After initiating a new listener to your podcast, it is ideal that you provide a means for them to contact you on social media to stay in touch and build a solid relationship with your new listeners.

Engaging your listeners online creates a connection and allows them to find out more about who you are, relate to you and you can answer their questions, they might as well give you valuable feedback about your show.


An Exhibit of Your Merch

A landing page offers you an easy way to promote and sell your merchandise and products. to your site visitors.

Merch is the best way to monetize your work and give your most loyal customers a chance to have physical object that they can remember you by or remember actual moments from your show.


Email Opt-in:

Collecting the emails of page visitors might be your only chance to stay in contact in the long run as the algorithm change, keeping their contact is always beneficial.

But make sure that you always provide value and nurture your audience, so when the time comes, they will stand up for you and cover your back.

Many email service providers like Convert kit offer email collection and transmission services for free, so sign up now and start growing your list.

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