Mental Health on the Mic: 44 Questions to Ask Your Podcast Guests

Illustration of podcast questions about mental health

Written by Aimene

Aimene is a podcast producer helping businesses reach their customer’s ears.


December 2, 2021

Whether you want to discuss a mental health problem with an expert or ask your podcast guest some questions about issues they are dealing with in their personal life, having the right set of questions at hand is necessary for such a sensitive topic.

As the host of a show, you main objective is to extract valuable information and deliver the best tips to your listeners, if you don’t have an idea on what to ask, this article will guide you with some solid questions to ensure that you delve deep into psychological issues and draw out all the insight your listeners need.

For tips on hosting your interviews like a pro, check out our articles on Podcast Interviewing the Right Way.

Mental Health Questions For A Guest On Your Podcast:

If you want to talk about mental health in your podcast, be sure that you’re not taking yourself for a therapist, you might have a conversation about mental illnesses or talk to your guest about their experiences but if you feel that the topic got out of hand and you start giving them advice, be sure to mention that you are not a specialist.


  • What inspired you to speak out about your mental health struggles?
  • Can you tell us about your journey with mental health and how it has impacted your life?
  • What were your best moments of the year?
  • What are the biggest lessons learned this year?
  • Tell me about something traumatic that happened to you this year?
  • Talk to me a little bit about your childhood.
  • Have you dealt with mental health problems when you were young?
  • How do you overcome adversity in life?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with mental health issues but doesn’t know where to turn for help?
  • How have you found ways to cope with and manage your mental health struggles?
  • What is the biggest misconception about mental health that you would like to dispel?
  • How has your mental health journey influenced your career or personal goals?
  • What has been the most helpful resource or support for you in managing your mental health?
  • What can friends and loved ones do to support someone who is struggling with their mental health?
  • How has the conversation around mental health evolved during your lifetime and where do you see it heading in the future?
  • Is there anything you wish people understood better about mental health?



Mental Health Questions to Ask a Specialist:


General Questions:

To set the ground work it’s better if you start with some general questions to build connection with your guest and allowing them to go deep later on.

Keep in mind that your audience in your primary focus Ask questions that serve your audience valuable advice on improving the quality of their mental wellbeing. Have the expert clarify myths and misconceptions surrounding certain mental disorders.

Spend the first few minutes of the show inquiring about the expert’s life and career (and maybe share some of your experiences as well.)


  • What motivated you to become a mental health specialist?
  • What patients you prefer working with, and why?
  • What approach to therapy has the highest rate of success for you?
  • What kind of patients give you the hardest time during therapy?
  • What got you interested in treating people suffering from mental illnesses?
  • When is it the right time to consider going to a therapist?
  • What are the most common mental health problems our society is facing nowadays?
  • When can one be sure that their mental health is affecting their personal, work, or academic life?
  • What are the simplest approaches to improve mental wellbeing?

Deep Mental Health Questions:

When you find a suitable topic and the guest start sharing golden nuggets with you, your main objective here is to follow up and extract the most valuable insights

As long as you are enjoying it and you think that what they are saying is interesting, your audience will feel the same so don’t deprive them from that and give them the opportunity to experience a top notch interview.


  • How can I tell if someone has a mental health problem?
  • Can you prevent mental health problems?
  • What should I do if I’m worried about a friend or relative?
  • What should I do If someone is having a panic attack?
  • What causes mental health problems?
  • How do people know that it’s time to see a therapist?
  • What is the primary objective of cognitive-behavioral therapy? (Or any other variation)
  • How to talk to someone suffering from a mental health problem like anxiety or depression?
  • How to deal with someone attempting suicide or thinking about it?
  • How to talk to someone who jokes about mental illnesses?
  • What are the traits of a narcissistic person?
  • What course of action would you follow for a patient with anxiety (or any other mental illness)?

In order to achieve a deeper level you need to ask follow up questions like:

  • Tell me more about that…
  • Ah really?
  • Have you encountered that in your practice?
  • Can you expand on that?
  • what made you say that?
  • Any other ways people can experience this?


Best Approach:

Tackling a mental health topic on a podcast requires sensitivity and care. Here are some tips on how to best approach this topic with a podcast guest:

  1. Be respectful: It’s important to remember that mental health is a sensitive topic, and everyone’s experiences are unique. Approach the topic with respect and an open mind.
  2. Prepare your guest: Let your guest know in advance that you plan to discuss mental health on the podcast, and ask if there are any specific topics they would like to avoid or focus on. This will give them time to prepare and feel comfortable with discussing these topics on the podcast.
  3. Normalize the conversation: Mental health is a common experience, and it’s important to normalize the conversation to reduce stigma. Consider sharing your own experiences with mental health to create a safe and open environment.
  4. Ask open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions that allow your guest to share their own experiences and insights. Avoid asking leading questions or making assumptions about their experiences.
  5. Listen actively: Active listening is essential when discussing mental health. Focus on what your guest is saying, and respond with empathy and understanding.
  6. Be prepared to provide resources: Have resources available that can help your guest or listeners who may be struggling with mental health issues. This could include hotline numbers, support groups, or other mental health resources.
  7. End on a positive note: End the conversation on a positive note by thanking your guest for sharing their experiences and insights. Consider discussing ways to continue the conversation about mental health beyond the podcast.

Remember that discussing mental health on a podcast can be a powerful way to reduce stigma and promote understanding. With careful preparation and a thoughtful approach, you can create a safe and supportive space for your guest to share their experiences and insights.


Discussing mental health on a podcast can present some potential challenges, including:

  1. Triggering listeners: Mental health topics can be triggering for some listeners who may be struggling with their own mental health issues. As a podcast host, it is important to provide trigger warnings when discussing sensitive topics and to provide resources for listeners who may need support.
  2. Stigmatization: Mental health issues are still stigmatized in many communities, and discussing them openly on a podcast can sometimes perpetuate that stigma. It is important to approach the topic with empathy and respect, and to provide accurate information and resources for listeners who may be struggling with mental health issues.
  3. Guest vulnerability: Discussing mental health issues can be a deeply personal and vulnerable experience for guests. It is important to create a safe and supportive space for guests to share their experiences, and to ensure that they feel comfortable and supported throughout the interview.
  4. Lack of expertise: Discussing mental health issues requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge. As a podcast host, it is important to do your research and consult with mental health professionals to ensure that you are providing accurate and helpful information to your listeners.
  5. Emotional toll: Discussing mental health issues can be emotionally taxing for both the host and the guest. It is important to take care of your own mental health and well-being, and to ensure that your guests are doing the same.

These challenges can be addressed by approaching mental health topics with sensitivity and care, providing accurate information and resources, and creating a safe and supportive space for guests and listeners

Real Examples / case studies:

There are many successful podcasts that have tackled mental health topics in different ways. Here are some examples and what we can learn from their approach:

  1. “The Hilarious World of Depression”: This podcast features interviews with comedians who have experienced depression and anxiety. The host, John Moe, approaches the topic with humor and empathy, creating a safe space for guests to share their experiences. Listeners can learn from the guests’ experiences, while also being entertained by the humor.
  2. “Mental Illness Happy Hour”: Hosted by comedian Paul Gilmartin, this podcast features interviews with a variety of guests who discuss their experiences with mental illness. The show provides a safe and supportive space for guests to share their stories, and also offers resources and advice for listeners who may be struggling with mental health issues.
  3. “The Struggle Bus”: This podcast is hosted by two friends who discuss their own mental health struggles and offer advice and support to their listeners. They approach the topic with honesty and humor, creating a relatable and supportive space for their audience.
  4. “The Trauma Therapist”: This podcast features interviews with therapists who specialize in treating trauma. The host, Guy Macpherson, approaches the topic with a compassionate and empathetic perspective, allowing guests to share their knowledge and experiences in a supportive environment.

From these examples, we can learn that successful podcasts that tackle mental health topics often create a safe and supportive space for guests and listeners to share their experiences. They approach the topic with empathy, humor, and honesty, while also providing resources and advice for listeners who may be struggling with mental health issues. Additionally, successful podcasts that discuss mental health often provide a platform for professionals in the field to share their expertise and knowledge with a wider audience.



Due to the gradual awareness of mental health in our contemporary society, this topic has become an essential part of our discussions and therefore interest in the topic has grown substantially and tackling it not only will engage your listeners more but will also draw more listeners to your show.

To give your recorded interviews a furnished finish, including some narration to your show by implementing some of the steps laid out in this article:  “The Ultimate Guide to Narrative Podcasting”.


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