25 Life-Changing Questions to Ask Your Guests on Your Self-Help Podcast

Written by Aimene

Aimene is a podcast producer helping businesses reach their customer’s ears.


November 28, 2021

Are you struggling to come up with thought-provoking questions for your self-help podcast? Look no further, as we’ve compiled a list of questions that will guide you in creating engaging content that resonates with your listeners.

Self-help podcasts have evolved beyond offering advice for substance abuse and anxiety, to providing guidance on all aspects of life, including self-improvement and personal growth.

As a dedicated podcaster, you understand the importance of asking the right questions that elicit insightful responses from your guests. Our article not only provides a list of questions but also valuable tips on conducting a successful self-help podcast interview.

Elevate your self-help podcasting game with our incubation program. Get expert guidance, personalized coaching, and access to industry-leading tools. Apply now to create engaging self-help podcast content that inspires and empowers your listeners.

Self-help Podcast Questions

Crafting thoughtful questions that help your listeners identify negative thought patterns can be challenging, but we’ve got you covered.

Personal Development:

  • Can you tell us about a personal struggle you faced and how you overcame it?
  • How do you prioritize self-care in your daily routine?
  • What role does self-compassion play in personal growth?
  • Can you share a tool or practice that has helped you in your own personal development journey?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is feeling lost or stuck in life?
  • How do you maintain a positive mindset during difficult times?
  • How do you handle self-doubt and imposter syndrome?
  • How can listeners cultivate a growth mindset in their own lives?
  • How do you stay motivated to continue your own personal development journey?


Life Reflection:

  • How do you think you’re perceived by other people?
  • Do you go easy on yourself from time to time?
  • If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what’s the first thing you’ll do?
  • What are your top 5 disappointments in life so far?
  • What should one prioritize in life?
  • What was your biggest worry 5 years ago, do you still feel the same way about it right now?
  • What hobbies do you have? And what are the things you’d like to get into in future?
  • What are some common misconceptions about personal growth and self-help?
  • What is the most marvelous thing your eyes ever saw?


Self-Reflection Questions:

Introspection leads to self-discovery which is the beginning of positive change. Ask your listeners these questions on your show.

  • If you had complete financial freedom, how would you spend your time and what experiences would you prioritize?
  • Is there someone from your past who you’ve lost touch with but would like to reconnect with? What steps can you take to reach out to them?
  • How do you practice kindness and generosity in your daily life, and what impact does it have on your relationships with others?
  • What fears or anxieties do you have about the future, and how do they impact your present moment and decision-making?
  • If you spend 24 hours with your role model, what would you ask them?
  • What is hindering you from becoming what you really want to be?
  • How do you balance the time you spend engaging with technology and media versus time spent in solitude and self-reflection?


Tips on hosting a self help podcast:

Hosting a self-help podcast can be a rewarding experience as you help listeners improve their lives. However, it can also be challenging to create engaging content that resonates with your audience. Here are some great tips to help you host a successful self-help podcast:

  1. Define your niche: Identify a specific topic within the self-help genre that you are passionate about and focus on that. This will help you establish yourself as an authority and attract a dedicated audience.
  2. Research your guests: Take the time to research and vet your guests thoroughly. Look for individuals who have unique and insightful perspectives on the topic you are covering. This will ensure that your podcast is informative and provides value to your listeners.
  3. Prepare thoughtful questions: Spend time preparing thoughtful and relevant questions that will help your guests share their insights and experiences. This will keep the conversation engaging and informative for your listeners.
  4. Practice active listening: Actively listen to your guests and engage with them during the conversation. This will help you build rapport with them and make them feel more comfortable sharing their personal experiences.
  5. Provide actionable tips: Provide actionable tips and strategies that your listeners can implement in their daily lives. This will help them feel empowered and motivated to make positive changes in their lives.
  6. Promote your podcast: Use social media platforms and other marketing channels to promote your podcast and reach a wider audience. Consistency is key when it comes to promoting your podcast, so make sure to post regularly and engage with your followers.
  7. Join a community: Joining a community of podcasters can provide you with support, guidance, and valuable feedback. Consider joining our incubation program to connect with other podcasters and receive expert coaching on how to improve your podcast.

By following these tips, you can create a successful self-help podcast that engages and inspires your listeners.



In conclusion, hosting a self-help podcast requires a lot of contemplation, effort, and dedication. But with the right tools and mindset, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for both the host and the listeners.

By crafting thoughtful questions, building a strong rapport with guests, and providing valuable insights, you can create a podcast that helps others on their personal development journey.

Remember to stay true to your voice, stay curious and open-minded, and never stop learning and growing.

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