Tech Podcast Questions

Written by Aimene

Aimene is a podcast producer helping businesses reach their customer’s ears.


November 28, 2021

You want to bring more value about the technicalities of your niche and help you audience understand the concepts better, then inviting a tech expert might be on your radar, and you must be clueless on what kind of questions to ask them on your podcast then we’ve got you covered. This article lists some sample questions that’ll help your guest generously share knowledge with your audience.

Technology is now in every area of our lives, and it has become hard to keep up with the current state of technology, its environmental effects, and the latest solutions. if you want your show to be included and touch on these subjects then you must think about introducing the experts building those technologies and making them part of your community.

Interviewing an expert is not only about the questions but also the interviewing skills,To clean up your interviewing skills read Podcast Interviewing the Right Way. This article offers amazing advice on conducting interviews.

Sample Questions

Learning & resources:

  • What online resources do you use to help you do your job?
  • Do you have any books you’d like to recommend for the listener?
  • How much did education prepare you for the real world?
  • What coding language are you very familiar with?
  • What strengths do you think are most important in a tech person?
  • What would you do if you were asked to perform a task you’re not very familiar with?


Team work:

  • What are the necessary elements to look out for while building a successful team?
  • What traits do you think to make up an effective team member?
  • How do you overcome the challenge of working with difficult people in your team?
  • What is the best way to monitor the performance of staff members?


Failures and obstacles:

  • How do you cope with stressful situations?
  • Can you tell me about a project you were involved in that failed?
  • What’s the most disappointing technological product you ever purchased?
  • What’s the most difficult technical challenge you’ve faced so far and how did you overcome it?


Success and wins:

  • Tell us about a new tech project you’ve been working on?
  • What is the most exciting project you’ve done in the past two years?
  • What’s your favorite technological product?
  • What inspired the idea behind your last successful project?
  • What turn do you see your career taking in the next five years?


Tips for Tech Podcasts

  • Present valid facts. Since listeners consider your show as a source of dependable information, make sure you live up to their expectations. Double-check your facts and only present information that checkout.
  • Know your stuff. Hosting a tech show requires that you have a fair amount of technological knowledge, at least in your niche. Having a good understanding of the subject discussed with your guest helps you throw follow-up questions. You also have a better idea of what questions to ask your guest on the selected topic.


Not all listeners on tech podcasts are nerds. Some are relatively ignorant to technology and need guidance with complex topics, breakdown the technical jargon of these concepts, by using simple understandable words.

If you’d like to learn how to polish your interview recordings into a captivating piece of work from start to finish, read up our article on The Ultimate Guide to Narrative Podcasting. 


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